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In this corner of the bed… hello Sense with sleep pill and in the other corner, beddit.

Both do not require wearing any device, the hello sense pill is attached to your pillow and the sphere-sensor is near the bed, the beddit is a strip that goes under / on top of the sheets. Both use an app to record/look at data.

Features for hello sense & for beddit. Both are BTLE (Bluetooth low energy, also called Bluetooth Smart). The beddit does heart rate and breathing (snoring detection too) since it’s physically on the bed, the hello sense has light, temperature, sound and humidity (and air quality). Both have “smart alarms”. Price, $149 for beddit and $129 for hello sense.

Screenshots from last night’s test.

hello sense

Img 4083

Img 4086


Img 4084

Img 4085

So which one is “better”? That depends, do you care more about the environment and conditions in which you sleep? Or knowing how you slept after physically (heart rate/breathing, etc). The beddit is more about quantified self and the hello sense is more about getting the environment optimized for best sleep. It’s really an individual preference when it comes to sleep tracking.