Tonight is big event for the maker community, almost a decade ago two weirdos got a free webcam at an event and plugged it in to our shipping station computer and broadcasted live as we shipped orders. Back then it was just Ladyada and pt and in the chat room of the live video service we used some of you asked us questions about electronics, running a company and more. That became a show we decided to do each and every week.
Since then we’ve done almost every week (we couldn’t during Sandy!) hundreds of shows, thousands of hours with guests, engineering, live demos, news and more – this is ASK AN ENGINEER. It’s become the longest running live electronics show in the world.
This week have the CEO and the Chairman of RadioShack as guests!
RadioShack CEO Dene Rogers
RadioShack Chairman Robert Lavan
Below are some of the questions we’ll be asking and you can see other places online where the questions are being asked/posted in advance.
Reddit – “Adafruit will be interviewing the CEO, Chairman of Radioshack on Ask An Engineer”
MAKE Magazine – “Talk to the RadioShack CEO on “Ask an Engineer,” this Wednesday, 8pm EDT”
EEVblog – “Radioshack CEO on Ask An Engineer”
RadioShack’s history & health
Many people think RadioShack’s no longer in business. What been going on at RadioShack over the last year?
Is there a reason for RadioShack to exist in an Amazon world?
RadioShack’s maker efforts
What have you been doing to connect with DIY makers?
What maker related items will be available in RadioShack stores?
Has RadioShack considered teaching maker classes in stores?
What Adafruit product will RadioShack carry?
RadioShack’s STEM/STEAM efforts
What are RadioShack’s goals for STEM / STEAM education?
How can RadioShack help kids interested in STEM/STEAM subjects?
RadioShack’s holiday product
What will people be able to find at RadioShack this holiday?
RadioShack’s innovation efforts
Is RadioShack working on new product innovation?
…is there a future in brick and motar electronics shops and is there anything we consumers could do to better support them?
Will you be planning any custom hardware? Or primarily remaining a retail operation?
What are the practical realities of operating brick and mortar stores in the age of online shopping? If there are plans to continue this trend, will they be as prevalent as in the past?
Join us, 8pm ET, tonight, Weds 8/17/2016 on YouTube, Facebook and Twitch.
About RadioShack
RadioShack, the neighborhood electronics convenience store, is a leading national retailer of innovative personal and home technology products and services, and power supply needs. Founded in 1921, RadioShack is owned today by General Wireless, Inc., which acquired the storied brand in March 2015. The new RadioShack has over 1,700 company-owned stores, including 1,400 Sprint Stores at RadioShack, and nearly 500 independent dealers located nationwide. Instagram: @radioshack | Twitter: @radioshack | Facebook: