Garmin provides a free SDK (Software Development Kit) to make extending the functionality of their devices accessible to everyone. Garmin produces a lot of wrist based fitness trackers that include a GPS, accelerometer, gyro, temperature and optical heart rate sensor. Today there are limited options for sending real-time biometric data over to a Raspberry Pi or an Arduino, but with the provided development tools things are looking up.
Garmin’s SDK installs easily on OS/X and Windows and can even be emulated using Wine on Linux. It is easy to get lost in the weeds following the developers site instructions as they spend a lot of time setting up Eclipse or Xcode environments. The CLI tools are easy enough to interface with directly. These are the steps I used to install the SDK on OS/X, build sample code, execute the sample code in a simulator and run natively on a Garmin Vivoactive HR watch.
Downlaod the 2.2.0 Beta SDK
- $ mkdir garmin-sdk-beta-2.2.0
- $ mv connectiq-sdk-mac-2.2.0.zip garmin-sdk-beta-2.2.0/
- $ cd garmin-sdk-beta-2.2.0/
- $ unzip connectiq-sdk-mac-2.2.0.zip
- $ export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Downloads/garmin-sdk-beta-2.2.0/bin
Generate a Key
- $ cd ~/Downloads/garmin-sdk-beta-2.2.0
- $ openssl genrsa -out developer_key.pem 4096
- $ openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in developer_key.pem -out developer_key.der -nocrypt
Build Sensor Example
- $ monkeyc -o Sensor.prg -y ~/Downloads/garmin-sdk-beta-2.2.0/developer_key.der -m ../manifest.xml -z ../resources/resources.xml -z ../resources/strings.xml -z ../resources/bitmaps.xml Sensor.mc Graph.mc
Simulate Code
- $ connectiq &
- $ monkeydo Sensor.prg vivoactive_hr
Copy to Garmin
- connect watch via USB
- drop PRG file into /Volumes/GARMIN/GARMIN/APPS
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