
Because MicroPython implements almost all of the Python programming language you can easily apply things you learn in desktop Python to embedded programs with MicroPython. If you’re somewhat new to Python you might commonly hear about or wonder if you’re writing ‘pythonic’ code–that is, if you’re writing code the way the Python language creators intended you to do so. The Zen of Python even says about writing code, “there should be one– and preferably only one –obvious way to do it.”
So how do you learn to write pythonic code? Check out this excellent PyCon 2013 talk from Raymond Hettinger titled Transforming Code into Beautiful Idiomatic Python which dives into the topic of writing pythonic code. Raymond is a core Python developer and has many years or experience teaching Python at all levels. In this talk Raymond describes great practices for writing pythonic code which can apply directly to your MicroPython and CircuitPython code too!
If you enjoy Raymond’s talk check out a related talk he did at PyCon 2105 titled Beyond PEP 8: Best Practices for Beautiful Intelligible Code. Even veteran Python programmers can pick up some great new advice from these two talks!
One fun bit of MicroPython in the news this week was this article from the Register on zbit:connect with BBC micro:bit and Adafruit hardware. Neville Hunt demonstrated at a recent expo how Adafruit hardware can connect to the BBC micro:bit running MicroPython using his zbit:connect adapter boards. And if you’re a micro:bit user be sure to check out the BBC micro:bit broadcast newsletter too for more great micro:bit news.
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