Erika von Kelsch latest project started as a trip down memory lane and ended up as a stunning infographic. She had considered being a professional musician at one point, but has decided to apply what she learned from studying music to how she approaches design.
I started finding my list of 100 pieces by looking through my sheet music library, looking at the most recent pieces. I decided that even though a total of 7 metadata categories were required, it would most likely benefit me to find more categories that i could potentially represent visually. This would give me more options later in the design process, without the need to re-comb the data. The categories I recorded were: name of piece, name of composer, starting key signature, date of composition, my age when played, type of performance, people/group I performed with, length of piece, time spent practicing, how enjoyable it was (1 to 10), how memorable it was (1 to 10). Even though I didn’t end up using all of these categories in my infographic, they were extremely beneficial for the data summaries that I had to create.
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