Biohackers can rejoice with the release of a new microbiome study that came out this week. Looking at microbiome reports had provided me with little value other than a high level comparison with others. Now thanks to this study which targeted 28 microorganisms we can see which specific bacteria play a role in 13 common health conditions. An example would be bacteroides fragilis which is was linked to diarrhea and flatulence (I had this one!).

The chart below provides a straightforward summary which users of services like uBioMe, AmericanGut and Thryve can compare against their sequenced gut data. The uBioMe Explorer provides a manual search where one can enter each microorganism name and see the results. I found it a bit faster to download my uBioMe data in CSV format and run a grep for each bacteria. I stripped the taxon names for the microorganisms from this PDF file.
[ via PLOS.ORG ]

Here we show the associations for 13 specific conditions. 13 of the taxa are associated with health conditions, meaning that these microorganisms have been shown to be elevated in patients suffering from these conditions.