Steven announces that Orange Pi can buy a good quality WiFi component for $ 1, that its cards will have a good Wi-Fi connection for this price.
-How, if the purchase of the component is $ 1, inevitably the exit fee will be a bit higher for the end customer, Mr. Zhao? - If you tell me the price, I will know your margin … –
– No, because today all Orange Pi cards are sold at the BOM (Bills of Material) rate.
-Does this mean that the cost of engineers, premises, development equipment, design and all that … is not impacted in the price of a card?
-That’s right.
“But how is this possible?”
-We are subsidized by the government.
And this is a breathtaking statement. Orange Pi is a private company in a state dumping system. This is what can be said from a Western point of view, from international agreements and from the whole conceptual framework designed to protect well-established industrialists.