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Stephen Cass who is an IEEE Spectrum editor made this “spooky” monk costume utilizing the new Gemma M0 with Circuit Python. Stephen connected a bit of conductive thread to one of Gemma’s capacitive touch sensors to toggle patterns when he touches his chest.

Via IEEE Spectrum:

Halloween is approaching, and with it a global parade of costumes. So I thought this would be the perfect time to try out a new wearable microcontroller from Adafruit Industries: the Gemma M0.


Before I could start getting a feel for the software, though, I needed to make my costume. I had a long, flexible strip of addressable WS1812B LEDs left over from making a color organ for a local monthly musical hackathon, and a US $17 “Nylon Horror Robe” costume purchased for a friend’s haunted house kids’ party last year. So I decided to combine these remnants with a cheap mask from an art supply store and the Gemma M0. The goal was to make a costume that could switch from “spooky” to “disco fun” on demand.