Check out a brand new port of MicroPython for the sino:bit single board computer from China! The sino:bit is based on the design for the BBC micro:bit and Calliope Mini but has an important difference, its grid of LEDs was enlarged from 5×5 to 12×12 LEDS (144 total!). Maker Naomi Wu had the inspiration for a larger pixels grid that could supports rendering Asian language characters because the 5×5 grid of the micro:bit was too small and limiting. Since the sino:bit shares the same processor and much of the other hardware with the BBC micro:bit it’s a natural fit to port the BBC micro:bit version of MicroPython to the sino:bit too! Tony DiCola has started this process with an early port of BBC micro:bit MicroPython to the sino:bit, check out the repository on GitHub for the details and an initial release:
Initial release with basic pixel drawing support for the sino:bit’s 12×12 matrix. This MicroPython port is functionally equivalent to the BBC micro:bit port but with the following differences:
- The microbit module display class is disabled. Do not try to use its drawing functions, they do nothing at the moment.
- A new sinobit module is added. This will be the base for sino:bit-specific hardware going forward and includes a new display submodule. The sinobit.display submodule supports drawing to the sinobit’s 12×12 LED display with basic pixel set and fill commands.
- The platform and other names are changed from microbit to sinobit.
You can see a small demo of MicroPython driving the sino:bit display with a fun ‘arc reactor’ animation in this tweet too!
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