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The Public Radio’s inventory dashboard

What we need to track is that conversion chain: Parts to PCB assembly, parts (and PCBA) to mechanical assembly, parts (and mechanical assembly) out the door.

For my current purposes, there are three events in this chain: Receive inventory, Create mechanical assembly, Fulfill order. (Note that I’m ignoring the components in the PCBA at this stage, and instead simply tracking the PCBA at the assembly level.) The first of these happens every few months and can be done manually, but the latter two will happen something like ten thousand times this year; it simply needs to be automated.

The result is simple, but powerful: A real time (or nearly real time – the second script currently runs once a day on a cron task, as there’s really no need for more granular data) dashboard showing on hand inventory of 8 different items

More fantastic stuff from the folks over at The Public Radio.

Also – be sure to check out the video tour of their cleverly optimized assembly and fulfillment processes.