We are making a CircuitPython based gaming platform! We’re still in the early days of development and research. While we’re designing our own modern handheld (LEEKed last week), we also want to build an solid software foundation for game development (likely based on pygame.) The goal is to make porting games from one handheld to another relatively simple. That will allow migration from an Adafruit handheld to a retro handheld like the Nintendo Gameboy or Sega Game Gear or to a third party handheld like the uGame. We would love feedback and collaboration. Links to open source handheld and pygame games would be very welcome! Please reach out to us on Discord to help out!
PLOT of the week!

Sensor graphing with plotter. CircuitPython + Mu + Color VIDEO CODE GUIDE
News from around the web!
CircuitPython Badge – A handheld running CircuitPython and cheap enough for a badge.
ESP32 Boards With Displays – overview.
Espressif Systems’ ESP32 Now Qualified for Amazon FreeRTOS – GitHub.
PyCon 2018 Code of Conduct Transparency Report – PyCon Blog.
M5Stack at SwitchScience.
Basic micropython library for the micro:bit to read the distance from an ultrasonic sensor – GitHub.
Programming micro:bits using a Raspberry Pi – RAREblog.
PyCharm 2018.1.4 released by JetBrains
EuroPython 2018 announced first list of accepted sessions.
Python release final beta of Python 3.7.0
PyCon 2018 Code of Coduct Transparency Report
PyDev of the Week: Maria Camila Remolina Gutiérrez from Mouse vs Python
Adafruit CircuitPython Weekly Meeting from May 28th
Adafruit CircuitPython Weekly Meeting from June 4th

“There is no sanctuary” – Logan’s Run. Logan’s Theremin with CRICKIT NeoPixels & sound. This demo is how to control a light sensitive CRICKIT with NeoPixel “theremin” – video & code.

This week the PCBs (printed circuit boards) arrived for the upcoming FEATHER Crickit. This means the entire FEATHER ecosystem will be part of the CircuitPython-based robotics platform, Crickit. From IoT robots to the 100+ FEATHER WINGS, all robot, all the time.
New Learn Guides!
Spinning Logo from Noe and Pedro
Digital Circuits 7: MCUs… how do they work? from Dave Astels
Tightrope Unicycle Bot from John Park
Introducing ItsyBitsy M0 from ladyada
Cardboard Box for Circuit Playground Express from Noe and Pedro
Adafruit NeoPXL8 FeatherWing and Library from Phil B
Stumble-Bot from Dano Wall
Soil Moisture Sensor with Circuit Playground Express and MakeCode from Mike Barela
Upcoming events!
The London Python Code Dojo is coming back on the Thursday 7th June at 6:30pm.
June 8th to June 10th, 2018 is the PyLondinium conference in the UK, organised by PSF volunteers in the City of London. There are at least MicroPython sessions: Micropython Gotchas & MicroPython used in industrial applications.
June 22nd at 3pm ET the Adafruit team will be doing a “HackChat” on Hackaday.io all about Crickit and CircuitPython. We’ll add all the specifics once hackaday posts’em up.
July 23rd to July 29th, 2018 is EuroPython, a community conference with a call for proposals until May 20th on every aspect of Python: programming from novice to advanced levels, applications and frameworks, or how you have been involved in introducing Python into your organization.
Latest releases
CircuitPython’s stable release is 2.3.1 and its unstable release is 3.0.0-beta.0. New to CircuitPython? Start with our Welcome to CircuitPython Guide.
20180603 is the latest CircuitPython library bundle.
v1.9.4 is the latest MicroPython release. Documentation for it is here.
3.6.5 is the latest Python release. The latest pre-release version is 3.7.0b5.
The CircuitPython Weekly Newsletter is a CircuitPython community-run newsletter emailed every Tuesday. It highlights the latest CircuitPython related news from around the web including Python and MicroPython developments. To contribute, edit next week’s draft on GitHub and submit a pull request with the changes. Join our Discord or post to the forum for any further questions.