One core tenet of CircuitPython development is to be open with our community. Last summer our core team grew with the addition of Dan and Kattni so we decided to start a weekly meeting where we could all get on the same page. We decided to include the community as well so that everyone can see what’s happening and choose to participate. Since then, its been a huge success! We regularly hear about awesome projects, coordinate improvements to CircuitPython and discuss core ideas within our community.
The meeting happens on our Discord server every Monday at 11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern. Everyone is encouraged to participate. We have four sections to the meeting: State of CircuitPython, Hug Reports round robin, Status Updates round robin, and In the Weeds discussion. It usually runs around an hour. Those who cannot make the time are welcome to post hug reports and status updates to tannewt on Discord to be read during the meeting. Folks can also to choose to “lurk” and simply listen in. Meetings are recorded and available on YouTube. Notes with time codes are also available via a link in the video description. For an example, check out this week’s notes.
Thanks to Ladyada and Adafruit for supporting open hardware, open software and open development. Thanks to the community for making it all fun and worthwhile. You all rock! See you on Discord and in the weekly meeting.
Coming Soon! Python powered Pi accessories

We’d like to see a Raspberry Pi use LoRa and came up with this Radio+OLED bonnet: you get a radio module, 128×32 OLED, three buttons, and a variety of antenna pads.

And the Crickit for Raspberry Pi is almost ready too 🙂
Both of these will have CircuitPython code when we ship.
News from around the web!

Benjamin Shockley’s Mini Sam m0 (Twitter & minisam.cc). Mini SAM is a project to design and build a LEGO® minifigure sized development board based on the Atmel® |
SAM D21E ARM® Cortex®-M0+ based microcontroller incorporating as many additional features as possible within the size constraint. Runs CircuitPython! |

The OpenMV Cam H7 is an open-source MicroPython powered machine vision camera designed for low-power real-time applications. The Kickstarter is off to a strong start with over 45 backers, and $5k+ with 29 days to go at the time of this writing – Kickstarter.
EduBlocks is celebrating their second anniversary helping the community with their block-based Python programming for microcontrollers. They are hinting that support for the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express is coming soon.
The micro:bit editors supporting the updated micro:bits shipping end-of-September are now in beta. micro:bit’s Python editor is – here..
Is Python for makers? Yep.
High Priced Electricity SMS Alerts with Python and Twilio SMS.
CircuitPython powered wood + NeoPixel cat lamp – Twitter.
Anthony Briggs – NeoLudic Tweeted a proof-of-concept for controlling PyGameZero games with a gamepad – MadeWithMu.
PyDev of the Week: Aisha Bello from Mouse vs Python
PyDev of the Week: Younggun Kim from Mouse vs Python
Adafruit CircuitPython Weekly for September 17th, 2018
Upcoming events!
September 22-23, 2018 is World Maker Faire in New York City. Dan, Kattni, Mike and Scott from CircuitPython will be attending. Coordinate with them via Discord. Mike will give his talk on the book Getting Started with Adafruit Circuit Playground Express in Zone 3: MAKE: Electronics by Digi-key at noon on Sunday.
September 27th, 2018 is Open Source Hardware Summit in Boston. Dan, Kattni and Scott from CircuitPython will be attending. Coordinate with them via Discord.
October 27, 2018. As part of PyCon DE 18 PyLadies and MicroPython will be running a beginner friendly full day hands-on workshop on MicroPython and the Internet of Things – Meetup.
New Learn Guides!
Make It Change: Potentiometers from Mike Barela
Milk Jug Glow Skull from John Park
Make It Hot or Cold from Mike Barela
Make It Shake, Rattle, and Roll: Accelerometer Use from Mike Barela
Updated Guides – Now With More Python!
You can use CircuitPython on Raspberry Pi! We’re updating all of our CircuitPython guides to show how to wire up sensors to your Raspberry Pi, and load the necessary CircuitPython libraries to get going using them with Python. We’ll be including the updates here so you can easily keep track of which sensors are ready to go. Check it out!
LSM303 Accelerometer + Compass Breakout
NXP Precision 9DoF Breakout
Adafruit LSM9DS0 Accelerometer + Gyro + Magnetometer 9-DOF Breakouts
Adafruit MMA8451 Accelerometer Breakout
TLC5947 and TLC59711 PWM LED Driver Breakouts
Latest releases
CircuitPython’s stable release is 3.0.2. New to CircuitPython? Start with our Welcome to CircuitPython Guide.
20180917 is the latest CircuitPython library bundle.
v1.9.4 is the latest MicroPython release. Documentation for it is here.
3.7.0 is the latest Python release.
The CircuitPython Weekly Newsletter is a CircuitPython community-run newsletter emailed every Tuesday. It highlights the latest CircuitPython related news from around the web including Python and MicroPython developments. To contribute, edit next week’s draft on GitHub and submit a pull request with the changes. Join our Discord or post to the forum for any further questions.