The Python powered synth is here

The NeoTrellis M4 is a python powered musical synth and more. It’s an all-in-one USB + NeoPixel + Elastomer + Audio board. It’s powered by our new favoritest-chip-in-the-world, the SAMD51, a Cortex M4 core running at 120 MHz.

This chip has a speedy core with CircuitPython and Arduino support, hardware DSP/floating point, dual DACs (more on that later!) and all the goodies you expect from normal chips like I2C, ADC, DMA, etc. It has a roomy 512KB of flash and 192KB of SRAM so it’s great for CircuitPython, we added a full 8MB flash chip so tons of space for files and audio clips – NeoTrellis M4, guide, and videos.

Our DIY Doctor Who synth is finally possible.
Python snakes its way to Hackaday Supercon

The 400 badges arrived at Hackaday Supercon, special thanks to everyone who posted photos and started hacking right away!
Bluetooth coming to CircuitPython – Make Bluefruit friend 🙂

It begins 🙂 Helper class to communicate with the Adafruit Bluefruit LE SPI Friend in CircuitPython – GitHub & video.
News from around the web!

Wearable LED Earrings, powered by CircuitPython by ???? ?????????? – GitHub. Check out the slides for “5 Things You Didn’t Know Python Could Do!” from #AllThingsOpen – Twitter.
Halloween Barbie Greeter. Using an @adafruit #FeatherM0 & sound fx board, distant sensor triggered #MadeWithMu #CircuitPython – Twitter.
Updates! ARM Assembly CircuitPython Fractal Optimizations – GitHub.
AmpyFileManager is Windows GUI for the Adafruit MicroPython Utility, AMPY – GitHub.

The Casio fx-CG50 Graphing Scientific Calculator, has Python functions added. “The fx-CG50 comes built-in with Python, a programming language used in the development of Internet search engines, social media sites, robots, etc. Python is attracting attention in the field of education as a learning tool that cultivates algorithmic thinking and has been adopted for use in textbooks.” The Python mode supports a version of MicroPython Version 1.9.4, which has been adapted to run on this calculator – Casio.

Making an IoT Badge – #badgelife going corporate – Oracle.
Here is another awesome-micropython list – GitHub.. The first one is here and Awesome CircuitPython is here.
EE 49: Electronics for IoT @ – includes MicroPython with Adafruit boards – PDF.
Eight MicroPython / Python experiments for the ESP32 –
Python/MicroPython Sensor Logger with Google Sheets –
The call for contributors for micro:mag, a micro:bit community based magazine, is open. If you have created something cool with the micro:bit, ran an event or have an upcoming event that you want to shout about, why not get in touch and write for micro:mag the unofficial micro:bit community magazine for the community, run by the community. If you would like to contribute to micro:mag get in touch here – micromag.
Python based macro scripting system for the Novation Launchpad, in order to use the launchpad as a scriptable, general purpose macro keyboard – GitHub. is an online IDE, playing around with this in Python –
Helpful python scripts from Craig @ geekcomputers/Python – GitHub. is a neat way to visualize and make music “LOGO” style.
The OSHW Mark Generator is handy!
Thelio – System76 – USA based Open-Source Hardware Linux computer – Adafruit.
PyDev of the Week: Bernat Gabor on Mouse vs Python
Bringing Python To The Spanish Language Community with Maricela Sanchez – Episode 185 on podcast.init
“CircuitPython has changed the way I approach small projects”

“#adafruit supplied this cool badge for #hackaday #superconference that runs #circuitpython. Never used it before, got images displaying on it in 5 minutes. Very nifty, worth learning more!” – Mark VandeWettering on Twitter.
“@CircuitPython has changed the way I approach small projects. Now it’s as easy as dragging across a file and debugging in-situ on a client device without having to install an IDE. Absolute game-changer! And the @adafruit boards (M4/M0 express) are terrific!” – Chris Fourie on Twitter.
Made with Mu

El “Hola Mundo” con Adafruit Circuit Playground Express. Practica con la consola de comandos de Mu Editor –
Episode #184: Teaching Python with BBC micro:bit. How can we make learning Python and teaching Python more real for students, especially younger students? The BBC in the UK had a great idea. Make it more physically real with actual devices. That’s where Nicholas Tollervey got involved. He helped bring the BBC Micro:bit and Python to millions of kids in the UK – TalkPython Podcast.
New Learn Guides!

Ambient Color Control Pad from John Park
Adafruit NeoTrellis M4 Express from Ladyada and Kattni
Getting Started with HalloWing for Hackaday Supercon Attendees from John Park
Crickit Powered Mini Chair Swing Ride! from Isaac Wellish
Jack-o-Theremin from Sophy Wong
Prop-Maker Lightsaber from Noe and Pedro
Coming soon!

Python powered gaming platform and conference badge.

Progress on the Linux based Feather! – Groguard.

We spotted this at Supercon – SenseTemp provides four highly accurate and flexible temperature sensors which allow you to understand the operation of your: Mobile robot, Embedded system, Double pane windows on your house, Home brewing operation, Or any other system where temperature and thermal conduction is important – CrowdSupply.
Updated Guides – Now With More Python!
You can use CircuitPython on Raspberry Pi! We’re updating all of our CircuitPython guides to show how to wire up sensors to your Raspberry Pi, and load the necessary CircuitPython libraries to get going using them with Python. We’ll be including the updates here so you can easily keep track of which sensors are ready to go. Check it out!
Check back next week for more CircuitPython on Raspberry Pi!
CircuitPython Libraries!

CircuitPython support for hardware continues to grow. We are adding support for new sensors and breakouts all the time, as well as improving on the drivers we already have. As we add more libraries and update current ones, you can keep up with all the changes right here!
For the latest drivers, download the Adafruit CircuitPython Library Bundle.
If you’d like to contribute, CircuitPython libraries are a great place to start. Have an idea for a new driver? File an issue on CircuitPython! Interested in helping with current libraries? Check out this GitHub issue on CircuitPython for an overview of the State of the CircuitPython Libraries, updated each week. We’ve included open issues from the library issue lists, and details about repo-level issues that need to be addressed. We have a guide on contributing to CircuitPython with Git and Github if you need help getting started. You can also find us in the #circuitpython channel on the Adafruit Discord. Feel free to contact Kattni (@kattni) with any questions.
You can check out this list of all the CircuitPython libraries and drivers available.
The current number of CircuitPython libraries is 105!
New Libraries!
Here’s this week’s new CircuitPython libraries:
Updated Libraries!
Here’s this week’s updated CircuitPython libraries:
Upcoming events!

CT Hackerspace hosts ‘Scaling Up with CircuitPython’ FREE Workshop Thursday 11/15. Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the hobbyist community. It is easy to learn and has strong community support. It is used for a variety of tasks from AI to server administration and now even to run microcontrollers.
CircuitPython is becoming a great alternative to programming microcontrollers and is built specifically to do so. It simplifies the process of writing code for your board and gives quick results. We will be looking at programming the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express with CircuitPython. We will also take a look at what boards are available.
CTHackerspace & MeetUp.
Latest releases
CircuitPython’s stable release is 3.1.1 and its unstable release is 4.0.0-alpha.2. New to CircuitPython? Start with our Welcome to CircuitPython Guide.
20181102 is the latest CircuitPython library bundle.
v1.9.4 is the latest MicroPython release. Documentation for it is here.
3.7.1 is the latest Python release.
300,000 thank yous’

There are 300,000 subscribers on the Adafruit YouTube channel, thank you so much community! Subsribe here if you are not! YouTube recently added #tags on titles, check out the #CircuitPython videos – YouTube.
Discord is the place for Python

The Adafruit Discord community where we do all our CircuitPython development in the open reached over 8,702+ humans, thank you! Join today!
ICYMI – In case you missed it!

Python on hardware! 02 – video. The weekly audio and video update of the week in Python in hardware!
The CircuitPython Weekly Newsletter is a CircuitPython community-run newsletter emailed every Tuesday. It highlights the latest CircuitPython related news from around the web including Python and MicroPython developments. To contribute, edit next week’s draft on GitHub and submit a pull request with the changes. Join our Discord or post to the forum for any further questions.