
Amazon is in the running for the biggest company in the world. It’s already hit $1 trillion in market cap (it’s at around $894 billion right now) — only Apple and Microsoft can make such a claim. They are well known as *the* retail giant, but their business reach goes well beyond that. Even if you have heard of Amazon Web Services, you might not know that “…with more than $25 billion in revenue just from Amazon Web Services last year, Amazon is the world’s largest cloud services provider.”
It can be hard to keep track of everything Amazon has a hand in, but thankfully BuzzFeed put together a list of the known businesses they own. The famous ones like Whole Foods and Zappos are on there, among a lot of lesser know retail related brands, but they own a wide and diverse collection of businesses: a wind turbine farm, a lending company, a video game production company, healthcare providers, and more. They even own IDMB!
Amazon will make up an estimated 38% of the US e-commerce market this year, according to the online commerce research firm eMarketer, and already dominates 67% of the online books, music, and video market; 46% of the online computer and electronics market; 45% of the online toy market; and 34% of online furniture sales.
The antitrust accusations against Amazon have been picking up speed, and while its valuation alone has been remarkable, when you take the BuzzFeed list in as a whole, you can see where some of the criticism is born. Amazon is not only massive — its entering more and more markets and it’s not clear where it won’t go. This list will likely grow, and if political pressure mounts this will be an important resource to come back to.
Read the story here.
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